Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Dumps

Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam Dumps

Google Cloud Certified - Associate Cloud Engineer

Total Questions : 266
Update Date : May 01, 2024
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Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Your company has developed a new application that consists of multiple microservices. You want to deploy the application to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and you want to ensure that the cluster can scale as more applications are deployed in the future. You want to avoid manual intervention when each new application is deployed. What should you do?

A. Deploy the application on GKE, and add a HorizontalPodAutoscaler to the deployment.
B. Deploy the application on GKE, and add a VerticalPodAutoscaler to the deployment.
C. Create a GKE cluster with autoscaling enabled on the node pool. Set a minimum and maximum for the size of the node pool.
D. Create a separate node pool for each application, and deploy each application to its dedicated node pool. 

Question # 2

You are assigned to maintain a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster named dev that was deployed on Google Cloud. You want to manage the GKE configuration using the command line interface (CLI). You have just downloaded and installed the Cloud SDK. You want to ensure that future CLI commands by default address this specific cluster. What should you do?

A. Use the command gcloud config set container/cluster dev.
B. Use the command gcloud container clusters update dev.
C. Create a file called gke.default in the ~/.gcloud folder that contains the cluster name.
D. Create a file called defaults.json in the ~/.gcloud folder that contains the cluster name. 

Question # 3

Your company developed a mobile game that is deployed on Google Cloud. Gamers are connecting to the game with their personal phones over the Internet. The game sends UDP packets to update the servers about the gamers' actions while they are playing in multiplayer mode. Your game backend can scale over multiple virtual machines (VMs), and you want to expose the VMs over a single IP address. What should you do?

A. Configure an SSL Proxy load balancer in front of the application servers.
B. Configure an Internal UDP load balancer in front of the application servers.
C. Configure an External HTTP(s) load balancer in front of the application servers.
D. Configure an External Network load balancer in front of the application servers. 

Question # 4

You want to deploy an application on Cloud Run that processes messages from a Cloud Pub/Sub topic. You want to follow Google-recommended practices. What should you do?

A. 1. Create a Cloud Function that uses a Cloud Pub/Sub trigger on that topic.2. Call your application on Cloud Run from the Cloud Function for every message.
B. 1. Grant the Pub/Sub Subscriber role to the service account used by Cloud Run.2. Create a Cloud Pub/Sub subscription for that topic.3. Make your application pull messages from that subscription.
C. 1. Create a service account.2. Give the Cloud Run Invoker role to that service account for your Cloud Run application.3. Create a Cloud Pub/Sub subscription that uses that service account and uses your Cloud Run application as the push endpoint.
D. 1. Deploy your application on Cloud Run on GKE with the connectivity set to Internal.2. Create a Cloud Pub/Sub subscription for that topic.3. In the same Google Kubernetes Engine cluster as your application, deploy a container that takes the messages and sends them to your application. 

Question # 5

You are about to deploy a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system on Google Cloud. The application holds the full database in-memory for fast data access, and you need to configure the most appropriate resources on Google Cloud for this application. What should you do?

A. Provision preemptible Compute Engine instances.
B. Provision Compute Engine instances with GPUs attached.
C. Provision Compute Engine instances with local SSDs attached.
D. Provision Compute Engine instances with M1 machine type. 

Question # 6

You have created a new project in Google Cloud through the gcloud command line interface (CLI) and linked a billing account. You need to create a new Compute Engine instance using the CLI. You need to perform the prerequisite steps. What should you do?

A. Create a Cloud Monitoring Workspace.
B. Create a VPC network in the project.
C. Enable the compute googleapis.com API.
D. Grant yourself the IAM role of Computer Admin. 

Question # 7

You have experimented with Google Cloud using your own credit card and expensed the costs to your company. Your company wants to streamline the billing process and charge the costs of your projects to their monthly invoice. What should you do?

A. Grant the financial team the IAM role of €Billing Account User€ on the billing account linked to your credit card.
B. Set up BigQuery billing export and grant your financial department IAM access to query the data.
C. Create a ticket with Google Billing Support to ask them to send the invoice to your company.
D. Change the billing account of your projects to the billing account of your company. 

Question # 8

Your company is moving its entire workload to Compute Engine. Some servers should be accessible through the Internet, and other servers should only be accessible over the internal network. All servers need to be able to talk to each other over specific ports and protocols. The current on-premises network relies on a demilitarized zone (DMZ) for the public servers and a Local Area Network (LAN) for the private servers. You need to design the networking infrastructure on Google Cloud to match these requirements. What should you do?

A. 1. Create a single VPC with a subnet for the DMZ and a subnet for the LAN. 2. Set up firewall rules to open up relevant traffic between the DMZ and the LAN subnets, and another firewall rule to allow public ingress traffic for the DMZ.
B. 1. Create a single VPC with a subnet for the DMZ and a subnet for the LAN. 2. Set up firewall rules to open up relevant traffic between the DMZ and the LAN subnets, and another firewall rule to allow public egress traffic for the DMZ. 
C. 1. Create a VPC with a subnet for the DMZ and another VPC with a subnet for the LAN.2. Set up firewall rules to open up relevant traffic between the DMZ and the LAN subnets, and another firewall rule to allow public ingress traffic for the DMZ.
D. 1. Create a VPC with a subnet for the DMZ and another VPC with a subnet for the LAN.2. Set up firewall rules to open up relevant traffic between the DMZ and the LAN subnets, and another firewall rule to allow public egress traffic for the DMZ. 

Question # 9

You need to manage a third-party application that will run on a Compute Engine instance. Other Compute Engine instances are already running with default configuration. Application installation files are hosted on Cloud Storage. You need to access these files from the new instance without allowing other virtual machines (VMs) to access these files. What should you do?

A. Create the instance with the default Compute Engine service account Grant the service account permissions on Cloud Storage.
B. Create the instance with the default Compute Engine service account Add metadata to the objects on Cloud Storage that matches the metadata on the new instance.
C. Create a new service account and assign this service account to the new instance Grant the service account permissions on Cloud Storage.
D. Create a new service account and assign this service account to the new instance Add metadata to the objects on Cloud Storage that matches the metadata on the new instance. 

Question # 10

You are performing a monthly security check of your Google Cloud environment and want to know who has access to view data stored in your Google Cloud Project. What should you do?

A. Enable Audit Logs for all APIs that are related to data storage.
B. Review the IAM permissions for any role that allows for data access. Most Voted
C. Review the Identity-Aware Proxy settings for each resource.
D. Create a Data Loss Prevention job. 

Question # 11

The sales team has a project named Sales Data Digest that has the ID acme-data-digest You need to set up similar Google Cloud resources for the marketing team but their resources must be organized independently of the sales team. What should you do?

A. Grant the Project Editor role to the Marketing learn for acme data digest
B. Create a Project Lien on acme-data digest and then grant the Project Editor role to the Marketing team
C. Create another protect with the ID acme-marketing-data-digest for the Marketing team and deploy the resources there
D. Create a new protect named Meeting Data Digest and use the ID acme-data-digest Grant the Project Editor role to the Marketing team. 

Question # 12

Your company has embraced a hybrid cloud strategy where some of the applications are deployed on Google Cloud. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnel connects your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in Google Cloud with your company's on-premises network. Multiple applications in Google Cloud need to connect to an on-premises database server, and you want to avoid having to change the IP configuration in all of your applications when the IP of the database changes.What should you do? 

A. Configure Cloud NAT for all subnets of your VPC to be used when egressing from the VM instances.
B. Create a private zone on Cloud DNS, and configure the applications with the DNS name.
C. Configure the IP of the database as custom metadata for each instance, and query the metadata server.
D. Query the Compute Engine internal DNS from the applications to retrieve the IP of the database. 

Question # 13

Your web application has been running successfully on Cloud Run for Anthos. You want to evaluate an updated version of the application with a specific percentage of your production users (canary deployment). What should you do?

A. Create a new service with the new version of the application. Split traffic between this version and the version that is currently running.
B. Create a new revision with the new version of the application. Split traffic between this version and the version that is currently running.
C. Create a new service with the new version of the application. Add an HTTP Load Balancer in front of both services.
D. Create a new revision with the new version of the application. Add an HTTP Load Balancer in front of both revisions. 

Question # 14

You have developed an application that consists of multiple microservices, with each microservice packaged in its own Docker container image. You want to deploy the entire application on Google Kubernetes Engine so that each microservice can be scaled individually. What should you do?

A. Create and deploy a Custom Resource Definition per microservice.
B. Create and deploy a Docker Compose File.
C. Create and deploy a Job per microservice.
D. Create and deploy a Deployment per microservice. 

Question # 15

You are managing a project for the Business Intelligence (BI) department in your company. A data pipeline ingests data into BigQuery via streaming. You want the users in the BI department to be able to run the custom SQL queries against the latest data in BigQuery. What should you do?

A. Create a Data Studio dashboard that uses the related BigQuery tables as a source and give the BI team view access to the Data Studio dashboard.
B. Create a Service Account for the BI team and distribute a new private key to each member of the BI team.
C. Use Cloud Scheduler to schedule a batch Dataflow job to copy the data from BigQuery to the BI team's internal data warehouse.
D. Assign the IAM role of BigQuery User to a Google Group that contains the members of the BI team.

Question # 16

You need to immediately change the storage class of an existing Google Cloud bucket. You need to reduce service cost for infrequently accessed files stored in that bucket and for all files that will be added to that bucket in the future. What should you do?

A. Use the gsutil to rewrite the storage class for the bucket Change the default storage class for the bucket
B. Use the gsutil to rewrite the storage class for the bucket Set up Object Lifecycle management on the bucket
C. Create a new bucket and change the default storage class for the bucket Set up Object Lifecycle management on lite bucket
D. Create a new bucket and change the default storage class for the bucket import the files from the previous bucket into the new bucket 

Question # 17

You are monitoring an application and receive user feedback that a specific error is spiking. You notice that the error is caused by a Service Account having insufficient permissions. You are able to solve the problem but want to be notified if the problem recurs. What should you do?

A. In the Log Viewer, filter the logs on severity 'Error' and the name of the Service Account.
B. Create a sink to BigQuery to export all the logs. Create a Data Studio dashboard on the exported logs.
C. Create a custom log-based metric for the specific error to be used in an Alerting Policy.
D. Grant Project Owner access to the Service Account. 

Question # 18

Your organization uses Active Directory (AD) to manage user identities. Each user uses this identity for federated access to various on-premises systems. Your security team has adopted a policy that requires users to log into Google Cloud with their AD identity instead of their own login. You want to follow the Google-recommended practices to implement this policy. What should you do?

A. Sync Identities with Cloud Directory Sync, and then enable SAML for single sign-on
B. Sync Identities in the Google Admin console, and then enable Oauth for single sign-on
C. Sync identities with 3rd party LDAP sync, and then copy passwords to allow simplified login with (he same credentials
D. Sync identities with Cloud Directory Sync, and then copy passwords to allow simplified login with the same credentials. 

Question # 19

You are developing a financial trading application that will be used globally. Data is stored and queried using a relational structure, and clients from all over the world should get the exact identical state of the data. The application will be deployed in multiple regions to provide the lowest latency to end users. You need to select a storage option for the application data while minimizing latency. What should you do?

A. Use Cloud Bigtable for data storage.
B. Use Cloud SQL for data storage.
C. Use Cloud Spanner for data storage.
D. Use Firestore for data storage. 

Question # 20

You have developed a containerized web application that will serve Internal colleagues during business hours. You want to ensure that no costs are incurred outside of the hours the application is used. You have just created a new Google Cloud project and want to deploy the application. What should you do?

A. Deploy the container on Cloud Run for Anthos, and set the minimum number of instances to zero
B. Deploy the container on Cloud Run (fully managed), and set the minimum number of instances to zero.
C. Deploy the container on App Engine flexible environment with autoscaling. and set the value min_instances to zero in the app yaml
D. Deploy the container on App Engine flexible environment with manual scaling, and set the value instances to zero in the app yaml 

Question # 21

You are setting up a Windows VM on Compute Engine and want to make sure you can log in to the VM via RDP. What should you do?

A. After the VM has been created, use your Google Account credentials to log in into the VM.
B. After the VM has been created, use gcloud compute reset-windows-password to retrieve the login credentials for the VM.
C. When creating the VM, add metadata to the instance using ‘windows-password’ as the key and a password as the value.
D. After the VM has been created, download the JSON private key for the default Compute Engine service account. Use the credentials in the JSON file to log in to the VM. 

Question # 22

You need to track and verity modifications to a set of Google Compute Engine instances in your Google Cloud project. In particular, you want to verify OS system patching events on your virtual machines (VMs). What should you do?

A. Review the Compute Engine activity logs Select and review the Admin Event logs
B. Review the Compute Engine activity logs Select and review the System Event logs
C. Install the Cloud Logging Agent In Cloud Logging review the Compute Engine syslog logs
D. Install the Cloud Logging Agent In Cloud Logging, review the Compute Engine operation logs 

Question # 23

2. Your auditor wants to view your organization's use of data in Google Cloud. The auditoris most interested in auditing who accessed data in Cloud Storage buckets. You need tohelp the auditor access the data they need. What should you do?

A. Assign the appropriate permissions, and then use Cloud Monitoring to review metrics 
B. Use the export logs API to provide the Admin Activity Audit Logs in the format they want 
C. Turn on Data Access Logs for the buckets they want to audit, and Then build a query inthe log viewer that filters on Cloud Storage 
D. Assign the appropriate permissions, and then create a Data Studio report on AdminActivity Audit Logs 

Question # 24

Your organization has three existing Google Cloud projects. You need to bill the Marketingdepartment for only their Google Cloud services for a new initiative within their group. Whatshould you do?

A. 1. Verify that you ace assigned the Billing Administrator IAM role tor your organization's Google Cloud Project for the Marketing department 2. Link the new project to a Marketing Billing Account 
B. 1. Verify that you are assigned the Billing Administrator IAM role for your organization's Google Cloud account 2. Create a new Google Cloud Project for the Marketing department 3. Set the default key-value project labels to department marketing for all services in this project 
C. 1. Verify that you are assigned the Organization Administrator IAM role for your organization's Google Cloud account 2. Create a new Google Cloud Project for the Marketing department 3. Link the new project to a Marketing Billing Account. 
D. 1. Verity that you are assigned the Organization Administrator IAM role for your organization's Google Cloud account 2. Create a new Google Cloud Project for the Marketing department 3. Set the default key value project labels to department marketing for all services in this protect 

Question # 25

You will have several applications running on different Compute Engine instances in thesame project. You want to specify at a more granular level the service account eachinstance uses when calling Google Cloud APIs. What should you do?

A. When creating the instances, specify a Service Account for each instance 
B. When creating the instances, assign the name of each Service Account as instancemetadata 
C. After starting the instances, use gcloud compute instances update to specify a ServiceAccount for each instance 
D. After starting the instances, use gcloud compute instances update to assign the name ofthe relevant Service Account as instance metadata 

Question # 26

An application generates daily reports in a Compute Engine virtual machine (VM). The VMis in the project corp-iot-insights. Your team operates only in the project corp-aggregatereports and needs a copy of the daily exports in the bucket corp-aggregate-reports-storage.You want to configure access so that the daily reports from the VM are available in thebucket corp-aggregate-reports-storage and use as few steps as possible while followingGoogle-recommended practices. What should you do?

A. Move both projects under the same folder. 
B. Grant the VM Service Account the role Storage Object Creator on corp-aggregatereports-storage. 
C. Create a Shared VPC network between both projects. Grant the VM Service Accountthe role Storage Object Creator on corp-iot-insights. 
D. Make corp-aggregate-reports-storage public and create a folder with a pseudorandomized suffix name. Share the folder with the IoT team. 

Question # 27

You want to verify the IAM users and roles assigned within a GCP project named myproject. What should you do?

A. Run gcloud iam roles list. Review the output section. 
B. Run gcloud iam service-accounts list. Review the output section. 
C. Navigate to the project and then to the IAM section in the GCP Console. Review themembers and roles. 
D. Navigate to the project and then to the Roles section in the GCP Console. Review theroles and status.