RedHat RH033 Dumps

RedHat RH033 Exam Dumps

Red Hat Linux Essentials

Total Questions : 153
Update Date : June 05, 2024
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RedHat RH033 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Which of the following commands is used to set down the interface and flush all itsaddresses?

A. ifup
B. ifdown
C. ifconfig
D. down

Question # 2

Which of the following is NOT the feature of SELinux in the Red Hat enterprise Linux?

A. SELinux applies to all users, including root.
B. All process and files have a context.
C. SELinux implements Mandatory Access Control (MAC) security in Red Hat EnterpriseLinux.
D. SELinux does not provide Kernel-level security.

Question # 3

You work as the Network Administrator for Tech perfect Inc. The company has a Linuxbased network. You are a root user on the Red Hat operating system. You want to view all files created after the myfile.txt file. Which of the following commands should you use to accomplish the task?

A. find -newer myfile.txt
 B. find -new myfile.txt 
C. find -recent myfile.txt
D. find -not newer myfile.txt

Question # 4

You run the ps -aux command on the terminal. You get the following output: You notice that the process id 24224 is showing the status message S on the stat column. What does this indicate?

A. The process id 24224 is in sleeping status.
B. The process id 24224 is hanged.
C. The process id 24224 is in stopped status.
D. The process id 24224 is in running status.

Question # 5

You want to repeat the last command you entered in the bash shell. Which of the following commands will you use?

A. history !#
B. history !!
C. history ##
D. history !1

Question # 6

John works as the Network Technician for Tech Perfect Inc. The company has a Linuxbased network. John is a root user on the Red Hat operating system. John has two files named foo.txt and student.txt, which are too long. John wants to view the output of both the files on one screen at a time. Which of the following commands should John use to accomplish thistask?

A. touch foo.txt student.txt
B. cat foo.txt | student.txt
C. cp foo.txt student.txt
D. cat foo.txt student.txt | less

Question # 7

Which of the following commands is used to access Windows resources from Linux workstation?

A. rsync
B. mutt
C. scp
D. smbclient

Question # 8

Which of the following statements are true about open source software?Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose two.

A. In OSS access to source code by third parties commonly requires the party to sign a nondiscloser agreement.
B. It is software whose license does not allow for the distribution of the software source's source code
C. Open source software and its source code must be freely distributable.
 D. In OSS all users must be able to modify the source code and create derived works.

Question # 9

Mark is a newly appointed Network Technician for McNeil Inc. The company has a Linuxbased network. He is working on the Red Hat operating system. He wants to sort a file named marketing.txt in the reverse alphabetical order. Which of the following commands should Mark use to accomplish this task?

A. sort -u marketing.txt
B. sort marketing.txt
C. sort -n marketing.txt
D. sort -r marketing.txt